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「文獻點講」系列" What Literature Says" Series- 媽媽的回應 Maternal Responsiveness



根據2015年International Journal of Language Communication and Disorders 的一份文獻,媽媽若對語言發展遲緩的小朋友回應較多,小朋友稍後的語言發展會較好。


1. 小朋友發出任何訊息,無論是說話或者是肢體語言,都經常給予適當的語言或肢體語言回應;並且

2. 根據小朋友的方向去玩遊戲,不要嘗試引導他們去大人預設的方向




參考文獻: Hudson, S. , Levickis, P. , Down, K. , Nicholls, R. and Wake, M. (2015), Maternal responsiveness predicts child language at ages 3 and 4 in a community‐based sample of slow‐to‐talk toddlers. INT J LANG COMMUN DISORD, 50: 136-142. doi:10.1111/1460-6984.12129

"Happy Mother's Day!"

Such a simple phrase can melt mothers' hearts but this short phrase could take ages of efforts for children with language delay to accomplish. Mothers of these children are always giving extra efforts trying to get their kids improve and talk more.

According to a literature published in International Journal of Language Communication and Disorders in 2015, if mothers' responsiveness is higher, their slow talking children perform better in terms of language development.

What does higher responsiveness mean? This means that:

1. we frequently respond in an appropriate way verbally or non-verbally to children's vocalizations or gestures; and

2. we follow children's lead and do not redirect their focus

There is no absolute black or white in terms of how we should interact with children. As long as we can achieve a balance, we should be able to do better for our children.

Reference: Hudson, S. , Levickis, P. , Down, K. , Nicholls, R. and Wake, M. (2015), Maternal responsiveness predicts child language at ages 3 and 4 in a community‐based sample of slow‐to‐talk toddlers. INT J LANG COMMUN DISORD, 50: 136-142. doi:10.1111/1460-6984.12129


" What Literature Says" Series aims at sharing first hand literature with the public. However, every literature has its assumptions and limitations, it is not necessarily an absolute truth. Despite this, Cypress believes that scientific evidence is still the most important foundation of our clinical practice and

public education.

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